

Get to know Levi, one of Project Respect’s facilitators!

Q: How did you end up at Project Respect?
A: A friend of mine worked for Project Respect as a presenter and I always heard him talking about how much he enjoyed interacting with the students. So, when he told me that they were hiring, I knew that it would be something I would find fulfilling.

Q: When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be…
A: A veterinarian. I have always enjoyed animals and pets. Once I saw the amount of college it took to become a vet, I decided that I wasn’t that passionate about it.

Q: What’s one of your best memories as a child?
A: Some of my best childhood memories come from going on week long fishing trips with my dad and brother. We would travel far away, rent a cabin, go swimming every day, and of course catch lots of fish.


 Get to know Project Respect’s after-school presenter, Deana!


Q: When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be:
A: A landscaper. I always enjoyed helping in the garden, and loved planting my own flower and herb gardens and taking care of the flower beds.


Q:  How did you end up at Project Respect?
A:  I ended up at Project Respect when I saw a blurb in our church bulletin that they needed after-school presenters. Since I was still at home with our preschool-aged daughter, it was the perfect way for me to get to spend time with students and not have to get a babysitter for our her.


Q:  What do you love most about working with Project Respect?
A: The kids! I love being able to go into the schools and make connections with the students. It is so fun to get to relate with them in a setting that is a little more relaxed. 

Q:  Favorite ice cream flavor?
A: It’s hard to pick only one!! My new favorite at Nafziger’s is Key Lime Pie.


Q:  What food can you not go without?
A: I cannot start my day without my bowl of oatmeal and blueberries. I’m a creature of habit!


Q:  What’s one of your best memories as a child?
A: One of my best memories as a child was when I was around 5 years old, and my grandparents picked my sister and I up and took us to the movie theater. They bought popcorn for us–and then took us out for ice cream afterwards.


Q:  If I could go anywhere in the world:
A: I would want to visit South America. I would love to see the Amazon rainforest!


Q:  People might be surprised to know:
A: That I’m very competitive!


Q:  When I’m not in the classroom, I’m most likely to be found:
A: Spending time with my family.


Q:  How do you relax?
A: By reading! I love to read, and I sneak it in any chance that I get.


Q:  What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you emotional, cry or tear up?
A: When I read “Junkyard Wonders” by Patricia Polacco to my daughter. It just touched my heart how the children who were labeled “junkyard wonders” grew up to do amazing things and realized their dreams.


Q:  Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
A: I would love to have Ellen DeGeneres as a dinner guest. I think she is really funny, but also interesting–we would have a great dinner conversation.


Q:  Would you like to be famous? In what way?
A: If I were to become famous, I would want it to be because I have been a change for good–that it is because I have helped humankind.


Q:  What would constitute a perfect day for you?
A: A perfect day for me would involve getting to spend time together with my family seeing the sights at a national park, eating out for our meals, and getting a chance to read from a good book before going to bed.


Get to know Janna, one of Project Respect’s facilitators!


Q: When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be…

A: a newscaster. I used to sit and read my Weekly Reader into the mirror in my bedroom and pretend I was reporting the news – I would make my dog stay in the room with me so I at least had an audience of one. Weird but true.


Q: How did you end up at Project Respect?

A: I was working on a grant project that came to a close and someone I was in a class with at church shared the job posting. It was new territory for me, but I took a leap of faith!

Q: What do you love most about working with Project Respect?

A: It truly is a great group of people with a shared mission of empowering young people to live their best lives – it’s an uphill climb at times but if even one student chooses a better way for him/herself then you know what you’re doing matters.

Q: Favorite ice cream flavor?

A: So I don’t love ice cream like 99% of the population but everyone else in my family does so when I’m along for the ride, I will choose something that has some chocolate and nuts in it but truth be told, my favorite part is the cone!


Q: What food can you not go without?

A: Cheese. Every day and all kinds of cheese. At any given time, there are probably at least five different kinds of cheese in my refrigerator. I can remember neither one of my kids liked cheese the first time I gave it to them, and I was convinced there was something seriously wrong with their taste buds.

Q: What’s one of your best memories as a child?

A: I am fortunate enough to have many. I have always loved summer and being outside so my happiest and most vivid memories are those that involve both…my mom taking us swimming, my grandparents taking us camping and my other grandparents taking us to their lake house in northern Michigan…my favorite two weeks of every summer as a kid.


Q: I could go anywhere in the world…

A: There are literally so many places I have never been that I could make a list a mile long but maybe Greece – I have no connection to that part of the world but I love the food and even pictures of the Mediterranean Sea make me breathe easier.


Q: People might be surprised to know…

A: I’m more athletic than I look. I played on a co-ed softball team after college and can remember when I got up to bat, the whole field practically closed in to the plate – I ripped the ball into the outfield and got a triple. So there…


Q: When I’m not in the classroom, I’m most likely to be found…

A: Either at my other job, at home with my people or at one of my kid’s events.


Q: How do you relax?

A: Lots of things – listen to music, walk my adorable dog, get a massage (probably my favorite – more time and more money would equal more massages for me!!)


Q: What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you emotional, cry or tear up?

A: Ha! That would be whatever the last movie I saw was – which I guess was Black Panther and I’m sure I cried because I’m an emotional sap! I can remember getting busted by my college roommates crying while watching an episode of Saved by the Bell.

Q: Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

A: Honest answer – my four grandparents. I loved them all dearly, miss each of them daily and to sit at a table with ALL of them together with my kids would be heaven to me.


Q: Would you like to be famous? In what way?

A: I used to want to be famous…bad. I would perform all the time as a kid, despite having no talent, and would force others to perform with me – my cousins still bring it up and are still slightly bitter. I even used to think about what I would say in my Academy Award acceptance speech??? I’m happy to report I outgrew that. Truly my passion is trying to help people – no fame required.


Q: What does your perfect day look like?

A: The beach, the water, the sun, my family, a few close friends, some good food – sprinkle in a boat as a bonus. I work a lot from home so I feel like my job always follows me. A perfect day would also include being able to totally unplug – I rarely do that and we all need it.


Get to know Marti, one of Project Respect’s facilitators!


Q: When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be…

A: A world Traveler!  I love to travel to new places and experience new things while enjoying nature!


Q: How did you end up at Project Respect?

A: I had recently moved to Ohio and I have a passion for youth and purity.  My friends Dez and Joey knew this and they told me about Project Respect. So I emailed Jackie and the rest is history!


Q: What do you love most about working with Project Respect?

A: Working alongside people who share similar passions and interacting with the kids.


Q: Favorite ice cream flavor?

A: Depends on the day, but usually something with chocolate involved…


Q: What food can you not go without?

A: Cheerios and Chocolate


Q: What’s one of your best memories as a child?

A: My best memories as a child are when we would go on family vacations!  My parents almost always took us somewhere new and we would camp on our trips.  I LOVED waking up in the morning with all the wilderness noises and we would cook our breakfast over a camp fire. YUM!


Q: I could go anywhere in the world…

A: I’m too indecisive, there are so many places that I would like to go and I’m sure there are more places that I don’t know about but that I would also like to go to!  Someplace with more nature and less people. I don’t like crowds.


Q: People might be surprised to know…

A: That I won a 5K in my gender/age division while in high school! (Does it really matter to tell people that I was the only girl in my age category? Lol!) I also used to play bass guitar and sing harmony on our worship team.


Q: When I’m not in the classroom, I’m most likely to be found…

A: Hanging out with my baby girl and my handsome hubby.


Q: What’s playing in your CD player/on your iPhone right now?

A: Nothing.  I enjoy the quiet. I’m STRANGE. Sometimes I’ll be listening to WBCL, Adventures in Odyssey, Focus on the Family, or Family Life Today.  I love listening to stories!


Q: How do you relax?

A: Watch an episode of Phineas and Ferb.


Q: What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you emotional, cry or tear up?

A: Call the Midwife!  Oh my goodness, talk about an emotional roller coaster!  This is quality entertainment.


Q: Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

A: Once again my indecisiveness kicks in…. too many choices! OH WAIT! I know. At the moment I would chose Tim Hawkins.  Yes.  I would be pleased if Tim Hawkins would be my dinner guest.  If you haven’t heard of him.  Look him up.  He is sure to brighten your day!


Q: Would you like to be famous? In what way?

A: Yes in a sense.  I would like to leave a legacy like my grandparents did.  I grew up in the area that my grandparents and my father grew up in.  So when I was an adult, people would ask me, “Are you a Foerschler?”  They could somehow tell which family I came from and every time we made that connection, these people would always have stories of kindness, generosity, faith, fun times and the impact that my family had on their lives.  It made me proud to be a part of the Foerschler family!


Q: What would constitute a perfect day for you?

A: Waking up refreshed, some quiet time, then hanging out with some friends and family chatting, playing games, music, enjoying nature and good food!


Read on to learn more about our facilitator, Karina!


Q: When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be…

A: A professional Roller-skater!! I would spend hours in my basement placing flashlights on the steps to give me the “spotlight” effect.


Q: How did you end up at Project Respect?

A: From the moment that I heard what Project Respect was about, I was hooked! I knew that I would love being able to go into the schools and speak with students. I just want to help make a difference.


Q: What do you love most about working with Project Respect?

A: What I love most about Project Respect is being with the students and being able to share some ideas that maybe they’ve never even given much thought to.


Q: Favorite ice cream flavor?

A: Raspberry Chocolate Chunk! YUM!!


Q: What food can you not go without?

A: Chocolate


Q: What’s one of your best memories as a child?

A: Camping/Vacationing with my family


Q: If I could go anywhere in the world…

A: I would love to visit Spain.


Q: People might be surprised to know…

A: that I have gone Sky-diving!


Q: When I’m not in the classroom, I’m most likely to be found…

A: Spending time with my family/friends.


Q: What’s playing on your iPhone right now?

A: Pandora. Hillsong United Young & Free, Rhythms of Grace.


Q: How do you relax?

A: I love to relax by watching a movie with my family or going to coffee with a friend.


Q: What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you emotional, cry or tear up?

A: Annie. ha It’s such a cute movie but the reality of the life of an orphan just breaks my heart.


Q: Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

A: Jesus


Q: Would you like to be famous? In what way?

A: I would like to be famous for my character. Being an incredible wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.


Q: What would constitute a perfect day for you?

A: A perfect day would start with sipping on coffee, spending time with my husband. Spending an entire day on the lake and ending with a campfire with family and friends.


Read on to learn more about Taryn, one of our classroom facilitators!


Q: When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be…

A: I have always had an inner drive and determination to achieve great things. Great success, public recognition and enormous wealth have always been on my list of things to do…….said me NEVER!!!!!! When I was a kid I wanted to be a mom. Yes, that was my ultimate goal in life – to clean, do laundry, cook, change diapers.  And I would like to say that I have very successfully reached my high career achievements. :0)


Q: How did you end up at Project Respect?

A: I was finishing up with the first stage of my career goal (stay at home mom) and all of my kids were going to be in school. Though I had a BA in Christian Education, I was not interested in working in the church setting. I have always been interested in both the healthcare field and the teaching field but was not interested in going back to school for another degree. I saw an ad for a job with PR on my Facebook page posted by my good friend Julie and was immediately interested but still unsure.  So I put it off and put it off and put it off and finally after I had procrastinated for a good 3 months, I decided to inquire more about the job. Through the words of Julie and the whispering of the Holy Spirit I KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord wanted me to talk to kids about sex!! Hahahha!!!


Q: What do you love most about working with Project Respect?

A: I LOVE my students!! OH MY GOODNESS, THEY ARE AMAZING!!! They are so hilarious! I have never laughed so hard in any job than I have with the students in class with PR. I love listening to their hearts, laughing at their jokes and the things that just pop out of their mouths when the subject is sex. I love talking with them, watching them see truth in an “ah-ha” moment and challenging what they think. Project Respect Rocks!!!


Q: Favorite ice cream flavor?

A: I love low fat, no fat, no sugar, artificial sweetened, low calorie, tasteless frozen yogurt. LOL!! No way! Bring on anything dripping in hot fudge, caramelly, pecan, high fat, high calorie loveliness! Hey if you are going to have ice cream then ENJOY EVERY BITE OF IT!!!! ;0)


Q: What food can you not go without?

A: Can’t go without Salad. I know, I’m weird. What can I say I LOVE VEGGIES!!!


Q: What’s one of your best memories as a child?

A: Playing Civil War with my 3 brothers. They made me be the cook and nurse – except nobody ever got hungry or hurt, so I pretty much “played house” while they ran around the farm shooting at each other with stick rifles.  Oh, they did hang my barbies in the willow tree in a public execution for treason though.  What can I say, life with all brothers is interesting!


Q: If I could go anywhere in the world…

A: EUROPE.  I sooooo want to go to Europe.


Q: People might be surprised to know…

A: I Hate Pith.  You know Pith, that discusting stuff between the slices in an orange.  I absolutely despise the stuff.  It’s commonly called pulp in orange juice but seriously, I have to stop talking about it because the very thought is causing me to start gagging.  GROSS!!!


Q: When I’m not in the classroom, I’m most likely to be found…

A: Shopping (sorry honey….but I’m just being honest).


Q: What’s playing in your CD player/on your iPhone right now?

A: Any Praise and Worship music.  Gotta have good truth coming in or the bad in life overwhelms me.


Q: How do you relax?

A: I watch WWII documentaries on Netflix.  I’m obsessed with all things Hitler.  I try to psycho-analyze the guy all the time.  Oh man, I AM SUCH A NERD!!!!


Q: What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you emotional, cry or tear up?

A: Uhmmm….the commercial on at the Super Bowl about “running like a girl,” the mid season finale of The Walking Dead when (*spoiler alert*) Beth DIES!!!  Any show, any day, any hour, any minute.  I could start crying just writing the answer to this question.  Hey, don’t judge.  I’m a mom.  I cry all the time!!!


Q: Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

A: I just wanna have dinner with my family.  I love family, whether it be my immediate or extended.  I love laughing and talking and eating with those I love the most!


Q: Would you like to be famous? In what way?

A: This is a tough question to answer.  I would want to be famous because I want to reap all the amazing benefits like a personal trainer, stylist, personal cosmetologist, big house, lots of clothes.  The obvious stuff.  But I DO NOT WANT the stuff that comes with all that – the crowds, fans, judgement, pressure to fit in, lack of privacy, lack of morals, unfulfilling lifestyle, compromise of individuality, etc.


Q: What would constitute a perfect day for you?

A: Easy.  Sitting on my beach chair with my best friend at her house on the Shore talking and laughing.  Getting tan watching the kids swimming in the ocean and playing in the sand all day til the sun starts to set.  Then getting all cleaned up and heading to the boardwalk for fun with our families food and ice cream.  Falling asleep to the sound of the waves coming in to shore and the smell of salt in the air.